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Exceptionally high ground motions (horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 1.82g) were recorded at the Tarzana Station during the main shock of the 1994 Northridge earthquake (moment magnitude 6.7 at an epicentral distance of 6 km). At the time of the main shock, the instrument was located near the edge of a 21 m-high ridge with side slopes ranging from 3H:1V to 15H:1V. The ridge is underlain by shallow fill and soft rocks of Medelo Formation.

The objectives of this study were to (1) identify the relative contributions of various factors such as local geology, topography, source mechanism, and travel path on the large ground motions recorded at Tarzana Station and (2) develop an analytical model that could adequately predict observed ground motions at the Tarzana site during the Northridge earthquake and at similar sites during future earthquakes. This study is an integral part of a series of inter-related studies referred to as the ROSRINE research (Resolution of Site Response Issues during Northridge Earthquake) project.

The PGA at the surface of competent bedrock (1 km/s shear wave velocity found about 100 m below ground surface) is estimated by Silva [ROSRINE Study (2000)] at 0.46 gravity (g). To identify the source of ground motion amplification, one-dimensional ( ), two-dimensional (TELDYN and SASSI), and three-dimensional (SASSI) analyses were conducted using both recorded aftershock data and an estimated ground acceleration time histories at a 100 m depth.

The results of the analyses indicate that (1) local geology and topography could only partially account for the observed ground motion amplification, and (2) the PGA and response spectra at a point near the edge of the ridge (the location of the instrument at the time of the main shock) is in good agreement with recorded values when the angle of incident of shear waves (SV waves) at 100 m depth is assumed at 30° from vertical. Considering the local geology and variation of shear wave velocity with depth, the 30° incident angle at 100 m depth corresponds to an 8° incident angle of shear waves at the ground surface. This observation is, in general, consistent with the incident angles of shear waves reported from study of the recorded aftershock data.  相似文献   

"5.12"汶川大地震龙门山地区发育地震高位滑坡,通常发生在10~11度的极震区,这种灾害难预测,发生速度快,容易造成惨重的生命和财产损失。本文通过在龙池乡川主坪的实地调查,对典型地震抛射滑坡形成的抛射堆积体进行剖析,探究地震加速度受地形放大效应的影响效应及崩塌被抛射的运动程式。  相似文献   
与其他钵水母相比,倒立水母具有独特行为:在生命周期的大部分时间里,它都在海底呈倒立附着、“睡眠”的状态。为探索与这一独特行为相关的遗传信息,本研究对安朵仙水母(Cassiopea andromeda)和同属于钵水母纲的海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)、巴布亚硝水母(Mastigias papua)进行首次全基因组测序、拼接和注释,并重点分析了这3种钵水母与感觉功能、神经系统发育相关的重要转录调节因子HoxPOU基因家族的多样性与系统发育关系。遗传分析显示,刺胞动物门中HoxPOU基因家族具有明显的物种间差异性。对Hox基因的分析首次发现钵水母及水螅(Hydra vulgaris)的“前段Hox基因”产生了部分缺失,并进一步印证了刺胞动物不存在“中段Hox基因”的假说。安朵仙水母和海蜇具有相对全面的ParaHox基因种类,即GSXXLOX/CDX基因,而巴布亚硝水母只有GSX基因。在POU基因多样性方面,安朵仙水母、海蜇、星状海葵(Nematostella vectensis)的基因组具有全部4类POU,而巴布亚硝水母、海月水母(Aurelia aurita)、水螅只有2类POU。在本研究分析的刺胞动物中,安朵仙水母的POU-1,-6亚型的核苷酸多态性最高;安朵仙水母与指形鹿角珊瑚(Acropora digitifera)、星状海葵的POU-2/3/5亚型的序列多样性较其他钵水母更高。另外,3种钵水母与水螅粘附蛋白的比较结果表明,安朵仙水母具有巴布亚硝水母和海蜇所不具有的粘附相关鼠李糖结合凝集素和一类抗氧化活性物质铁螯合物还原酶。综上所述,安朵仙水母具有更多POU编码基因和复杂POU亚型,以及具有粘附相关凝集素和还原酶的编码基因,可能是与安朵仙水母倒立附着生活方式相关的关键遗传信息。  相似文献   
根据已构建的溶藻弧菌(Vibro alginolyticus)诱导的马氏珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)血淋巴cDNA差减文库得到的ESTs序列, 应用cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术成功克隆了其组织蛋白酶L基因(PFCatL), 并对其进行了生物信息学分析; 应用实时荧光定量PCR (Real-time PCR)技术, 研究了PFCatL基因在溶藻弧菌刺激前后马氏珠母贝足、外套膜、鳃、闭壳肌等8个组织中的表达变化。结果表明, PFCatL基因cDNA全长2004bp, 其中5′非编码区(5′-UTR)50bp, 3′非编码区(3′-UTR)865bp, 开放阅读框(ORF)1089bp, 编码362个氨基酸, 其分子量计算值(MW)为40.52kDa, 理论等电点(IP)为5.20; 生物信息学分析表明, PFCatL含有16个氨基酸残基组成的信号肽序列以及组织蛋白酶前体抑制功能域I29; Clustalw2多重比对发现PFCatL氨基酸序列在催化三联体Cys-His-Asn、底物结合位点以及二硫键形成相关的半胱氨酸残基位点高度保守; Real-time PCR研究发现, PFCatL在马氏珠母贝各组织中均有表达, 但各组织间的表达量存在差异, 其中以肾和闭壳肌中的表达量最高; 溶藻弧菌感染4h后, 外套膜、鳃以及血淋巴中PFCatL基因的表达较感染前显著上调。  相似文献   
棘皮动物(echinoderms)是海洋生境中所特有的无脊椎动物重要类群,本文全面比较分析了棘皮动物29个物种的线粒体全基因组。线粒体基因组主编码基因的分析结果显示,海胆纲Echinoidea和海参纲Holothuroidea物种的基因排列完全相同;海星纲Asteroidea物种之间的基因排列也完全相同,然而与海胆纲、海参纲相比,存在一个长片段的倒位。海百合纲Crinoidea的栉羽星Phanogenia gracilis和花形羽枝Florometra serratissima主编码基因的基因排列完全相同,地中海海羊齿和海百合Neogymnocrinus richeri与此相比,均存在一个蛋白质编码基因(nad4L)的易位。蛇尾纲Ophiuroidea真蛇尾目Ophiurida的3个科(阳遂足科Amphiuridae、辐蛇尾科Ophiactidae和栉蛇尾科Ophiocomidae)主编码基因的基因排列完全相同,而同属于真蛇尾目,另外一个科(真蛇尾科Ophiuridae)的白色真蛇尾Ophiura albida和灰色真蛇尾Ophiura lutkeni,与同目的前3个科相比,存在3个蛋白质编码基因(nad1、nad2和cob)的倒位。蛇尾纲蔓蛇尾目Euryalida的海盘Astrospartus mediterraneus,与真蛇尾目5个线粒体基因组相比,存在主编码基因的重排。棘皮动物线粒体单基因的变异位点特征显示,nad5、nad4和nad2基因是理想的分子标记基因。基于29个线粒体基因组的氨基酸序列,通过两种方法(邻接法和最大似然法)所构建系统发生树的拓扑结构完全一致。支持其下分的5个纲(蛇尾纲、海参纲、海胆纲、海星纲和海百合纲)均为单系群。线粒体基因组的数据支持棘皮动物动物在纲层次的亲缘关系为:(((海胆纲+海星纲)+海参纲)+蛇尾纲)+海百合纲,海百合纲作为棘皮动物中最为古老的类群,位于系统发生树的根部。基于线粒体基因组构建的系统发生树,支持所有的科均为单系群;综合系统发生树及主编码基因的基因重排分析,均支持真蛇尾目并非单系发生,真蛇尾目的有效性还值得今后深入研究。  相似文献   
石茜  杜博  张良培 《测绘学报》2012,41(3):417-420
提出一种基于局部判别正切空间排列(local discriminative tangent space alignment,LDTSA)的高光谱影像降维方法。LDTSA源于局部正切空间排列(LTSA)中的排列机制,在一个局域块内利用线性局部正切平面对类内样本的流形结构建模,同时还考虑到类间判别信息以最大化判别边界。利用多幅高光谱数据进行降维和分类试验。结果表明,LDTSA主要有三个优点:①在小样本问题上性能稳定;②在降维过程中保持类别间的判别信息;③有效挖掘数据集的几何流形结构。  相似文献   
孙军  谌芸  杨舒楠  代刊  陈涛  姚蓉  徐珺 《气象》2012,38(10):1267-1277
本文是“北京7.21特大暴雨极端性分析及思考”的第二部分,第一部分“观测分析及思考”对此次过程的降水特点、水汽特点、中尺度对流系统(MCS)的环境场条件和发生发展过程进行了分析,指出这是一次极端降水过程。本文进一步从影响降水的因子:降水效率、水汽、上升运动、持续时间等方面进一步探讨极端性降水的成因,所用资料为业务中常用的模式分析和各种观测资料。分析表明,本次过程为典型华北暴雨环流形势,其中高层气流辐散区与低层低涡切变线的耦合是直接诱因;较高的环境相对湿度和湿层较厚,较低的抬升凝结高度和自由对流高度以及热带降水性质提高了本次过程的降水效率;异常大的水汽含量(可降水量达60-80mm)及与其相关的物理量异常,可作为判断极端降水的重要因子;环境大气具有中下层条件性不稳定,上层湿中性层结特性,CAPE值中等,同时上层干侵入增加了对流不稳定,有利于上升运动发展;低涡切变线及华北地形共同触发了MCS的在暖区生成发展;低涡北跳、MCS后向传播特性使暖区MCS东移速度慢,形成“列车效应”,造成降雨持续时间长。本文最后探讨了极端降水的预报思路。  相似文献   
The problem addressed in this paper is the estimation of the (de)amplification of ground motion at soil sites (compared to rock sites) as a function of the intensity of the ground motion. A non‐parametric empirical approach, called the Conditional Average Estimator (CAE) method, has been used, which is different from all existing approaches. Site factors (SFs) for sites characterized with Vs30 between 180 and 360 m/s were predicted for the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and the spectral accelerations by using a combined database of recorded ground motions. Based on the results of the study, site factors for PGA and selected spectral accelerations are proposed, separately for weaker and stronger ground motions. Comparisons are made with the SFs used in two standards (Eurocode 8 and ASCE 7‐10) and with SFs proposed in the literature, including four Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) ground‐motion prediction equations. The study reveals that (i) SFs depend strongly on the ground‐motion intensity. In the case of stronger ground motions, they decrease with increasing acceleration. (ii) The SFs predicted in this study agree reasonably well with the existing SFs in the case of weak ground motion. For higher intensities of ground motion, they are generally smaller than the existing ones. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Amplification of earthquake ground motions at actual deposit sites is an important factor to consider when assessing the risk of an earthquake disaster. In order to identify the amplification properties, several preprocessings such as the Fourier transform are required. I propose a series expansion of the amplification with simple ground transfer functions as a new preprocessing. I define a sequence of transfer functions based on a two‐layered structure excluding an internal damping and a function space spanned by the set of the functions. I mathematically prove that the function space is equal to L2 space. This indicates that all the functions belonging to L2 space, that is, an arbitrary ground amplification, have a unique series expansion. This expansion is applied to the physics‐based decomposition of the amplification. Some numerical examples indicate that the similarity between a target complex structure and a simple model is measured by the absolute value of each coefficient in the series expansion. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Mid‐rise to high‐rise buildings in seismic areas are often braced by slender reinforced concrete (RC) walls, which are interconnected by RC floor diaphragms. In design, it is typically assumed that the lateral forces are distributed in proportion to the wall's elastic stiffness. Pushover analyses of systems comprising walls of different lengths have, however, shown that large compatibility forces can develop between them, which should be considered in design, but the analyses have also shown that the magnitude of the computed forces is very sensitive to the modelling assumptions. Using the results of a complex shell element model as benchmark, different simple hand‐calculation methods and inelastic beam element models are assessed and improved to yield reliable estimates of the base shear distribution among the individual walls comprising the interconnected wall system. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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